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Coaches Training and Education Workshops

If you've been looking for a convenient but complete way to educate, certify, and train your staff - is the answer. From USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Courses to Medic CPR / First Aid training and American Sport Education Programs, everything you need to develop the most prepared and well trained staff of coaches possible is right here. All classes and training can be scheduled to accommodate your calendar! Consider planning a single weekend of in-service training or a calendar of workshops on selected topics and will arrange for all of the required materials, organize, and then conduct the event. What are you waiting for? Do not be satisfied with gymnastics amateurism; elevate yourself, your program, and your staff to gymnastics professionalism.

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills is a discussion-based training seminar that begins with techniques to minimize conflict and build collaboration. Learn how to become a good listener, negotiator, and trusted communicator. This valuable workshop will help develop collaborative workplaces by opening good communication between staff. Customer loyalty will climb as owners and directors learn how to present their messages effectively.
  • Conducting Effective Meetings is a discussion-based training seminar that begins with techniques to minimize conflict and build collaboration during staff meetings, booster club meetings or simple one-on-one meetings. Learn how to become a good listener, negotiator, and trusted communicator. This valuable workshop will help develop collaborative workplaces by opening good communication between staff. Learn techniques to help you effectively lead interactive staff meetings to create a successful work team.
  •  “Foam Pit Safety and Emergency Rescues is a hands-on training designed to be conducted in cooperation with local Emergency Medical Systems. Directed and led by an experienced and trained first aid instructor, this exercise explains how to make a proper response to a foam pit emergency. If you have a foam pit in your gym or work with a pit, it is recommended you receive regular training and practice of pit safety and resuces. This is a must-have workshop!
  •  “Dealing With Conflict & Confrontation is a discussion-based training seminar that begins with techniques to minimize conflict and build collaboration. Learn how to resolve conflicts and reach positive solutions without losing your cool. This valuable workshop will work at two levels - helping train teachers how to deal with students and helping adults deal with conflict without losing their cool. Don’t miss this workshop!
  •  “Learning From Mistakes An interactive presentation on the value of mistakes. How to make the most of setbacks, and use mistakes as a learning opportunity to grow and develop personally and professionally. Some of mankind’s greatest achievements were the results of an initial mistake. Creativity and initiative begin in an environment that allows mistakes. If you aren’t making mistakes, you probably aren’t doing enough. Don’t miss this workshop!
  •  “Cultivate your Teaching Teaching is enabling your student to learn. The 5 levels of teaching are outlined to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as an instructor/coach. Becoming a great teacher is a result of cultivating your style to engage a learning environment and empower your students/athletes to higher levels of understanding and performance. Information is presented on how to create an exciting and productive learning environment in which to teach. This workshop will help an individual become a better instructor by presenting techniques on child development, effective class management, and dealing with student behaviors. Don’t miss this workshop!
  • Time Management, Priorities, & Deadlines is a discussion-based training seminar that begins with techniques to increase efficiency and improve performance. Learn how to establish direction and take control of your valuable time. More precious than money, time is your greatest resource. Use your time wisely and spend it at this workshop!
  • Safety In The Gym for Class Instructors is a discussion-based workshop that will cover all aspects of safety relating to Gymnastics programs. Go beyond the USAG Safety Certification course and join in this workshop that covers everything from setting up your facility safely to specific safety issues including proper equipment, programming concerns, and emergency action plans. Personal safety will be highlighted in this seminar, focusing on such topics as proper ergonomics to protecting yourself and your staff from blood-borne pathogens. Learn the questions that lawyers ask during litigation procedures and talk about ways to protect yourself and your staff. Every gym should benefit from this workshop as we increase the attitude of safety awareness as it relates to Gymnastics.
  • "Supervision and Sharing the Safety Message" is a discussion-based training seminar designed to give front-line employees an understanding of the best way to fulfill the legal duty to properly supervise an activity. Participants will learn how to engage the activity participants/students/athletes in safety practices that will help reduce injuries and lawsuits.
  • Parenting a Young Athleteis a focused presentation specifically for the parentsof athletes. Through this American Sport Education Program SportParent workshop, modeled after the Stanford University based Positive Coaching Alliance parent education course, parents can learn how to support their children while nurturing their child’s athletic endeavors.
  • Setting Up Your PreSchool Gym SAFELY Have you ever thought of how your gym looks through a three year olds eyes? You may have all of the latest and greatest PreSchool mats and equipment but have you considered how a 5 year old will think to use them? How about your Parent/Tot classes, can your parents figure out proper usage and how to get the most from your facility and apparatus? “Setting Up Your PreSchool Gym” is a discussion-based workshop that will cover all aspects of safety relating to PreSchool programs. From setting up your facility safely for 1 to 6 years olds to specific safety issues including proper equipment, we will discuss programming concerns and emergency action plans. Every gym that offers PreSchool programs should benefit from this workshop as we increase the attitude of safety awareness as it relates to PreSchool Gymnastics.
  • Partners Not Problems - Keeping Parents Off Your Back And On Your Side is based on the American Sport Education Program SportParent Guide and the National Alliance for Youth Sports program to help Coaches and Owners/Directors keep parents working with them rather than against them. Learn how to properly conduct parent meetings and educate your parents to assist you in your role as their child’s instructor.
  •  Marketing the Benefits of Gymnastics is a research based presentation on some of the many benefits that participation in Gymnastics programs provides. Gym owners can learn ways to promote these benefits to market their business.
  •  “Class Management and Student Behavior is an important topic for any teacher or coach that is looking for additional information on how to create an exciting and productive learning environment in which to teach. This workshop will help an individual become a better instructor by presenting techniques on effective class management and dealing with student behaviors.
  •  “Staff Development vs. Staff Training Developing your organization begins with developing your employees to reach their full potential. Sending your coaches to Safety Certification courses and conducting in-service training workshops is no longer enough. If you can build strong leaders in your organization, you will find yourself growing an organization beyond your wildest dreams. This is an educational programming seminar on how to go beyond training and educating your staff to fully developing your employees to help you accomplish your mission. Your employees need to be nurtured and recognized for what they bring to your business. Teaching your teachers and coaching your coaches to meet their goals as well as yours will ensure a successful program. Learn results-based management, organizational development and high-performance supervision techniques like 360° feedback, open communication skills, effective employee evaluations, and team-building exercises that you can take back to your gym and motivate your team of dedicated, valued, and valuable employees.
  • "Recreational Drills for Saltos and Twists" gives coaches some logical progressive drills to help teach proper salto and twist technique. Coaches can use these drills to introduce, explain, teach, or improve flipping and twisting execution. Simple progressions that can be used for all classes and ability levels, preschool through advanced.
  • They Could Be Giants is a FUNdamental progression system that coaches can use to teach giant swings in their recreational classes. Almost all of the drills are appropriate for and could be performed by 6-year-old beginning gymnasts up through adults.
  • FUNdamental Pre School Bars is a FUNdamental progression system that coaches can use to teach simple bars skills in their Pre School classes. Almost all of the drills are appropriate for and could be performed by 2 to 5-year-old beginning gymnasts.
  • " Back Handsprings Clinic" gives coaches some logical progressive drills to help teach proper back handspring technique. Coaches can use these drills to introduce, explain, teach, or improve back handspring execution. Simple progressions that can be used for all classes and ability levels, preschool through advanced. By far, one of our MOST POPULAR workshops!
  • "Recreational Drills for Vaulting" gives coaches some logical progressive drills to help teach proper running and vaulting technique. Coaches can use these drills to introduce, explain, teach, or improve vaulting execution. Simple progressions that can be used for all classes and ability levels, preschool through advanced.
  • " Kip Clinic" gives coaches some logical progressive drills to help teach proper kip technique. Coaches can use these drills to introduce, explain, teach, or improve kip execution. Simple progressions that can be used for all classes and ability levels, preschool through advanced.

These and other topics are available. All seminars/workshops are based on Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, but I am entirely self-sufficient and provide my own supplies and materials.

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